Pay the share capital
The founders have to pay the share capital in the limited company. Each share must be equal in amount.
The share capital should be at least NOK 30.000.00, divided into one or several shares. The founders can pay more than this for the shares, then they pay premium. The sum of the share capital and the premium constitute the share capital contribution. The amount can be paid in the form of cash or assets, or a combination of these.
The share capital consists of money
If the entire share capital contribution is paid in cash, it is most common to deposit this into a share capital account with the bank. When the entire sum is made up of cash, a bank, an attorney, an auditor or an accountant must confirm the payment. You will be asked to enter your organisation number to the one who shall confirm the payment.
The entire or parts of the share capital consists of assets
The founders must prepare a statement containing a description of each asset. They also need to make a statement that the assets the company should take over, have the agreed value. The statement must be signed by all the founders and confirmed by the auditor.
The auditor should also confirm that the share capital contribution has been paid.