Roles in the association or club
Sist oppdatert: 31 May 2024.
In an association you have to register a contact person. This can either be a general manager, a contact person or a business manager.
The general manager, an accountant, an auditor, signature right and the power of procuration are optional roles.
We do not register the memberships of the association. It will be up to the association to keep a list of members.
If the association has a board, you have to state who the board members are.
Election of board members
The board of the association is normally elected in an annual meeting, and are the ones to lead the association between two annual meetings. Normally the statutes will show how many board members the association is going to have, and which tasks and responsibilities the board should have.
Minor board members in associations
It is permitted to register minors with roles in the board. If the child is under 12 years of age, the guardian has to provide a statement that the child has reached a certain level of age and maturity.
It is important that the association, in collaboration with the guardians, make simple rules for how the routines for electing minor board members should be.
Associations involved in business activity
An association which is obliged to register in The Register of Business Enterprises, must have a board consisting of at least one member. The board must have a leader. The board members must confirm taking on the assignment.
The association can choose to have an accountant.
Registration of accountant
If the association uses an authorised accountant, the accountant must be registered in The Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities. Upon changing of accountant, a notification must also be sent to this register.
The accountant must confirm taking on the assignment by signing the form Coordinated register notification.
If the association has an auditor, this must be registered with us.
The association is obliged to have an auditor if it has
- an average number of employees corresponding to ten man-years or more
- balance sheet total of NOK 27 million or more
- operating revenues for the entire activity of NOK 7 million or more
We only register auditors or auditing companies that are registered in The Register of Auditors with the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.
The auditor must confirm taking on the assignment. If the association is registered in the Register of Business Enterprises, you must also submit the minutes from the annual meeting showing the election of an auditor.
An association must have a contact person, a general manager or a business manager.
Signature is an authority to act and sign on behalf of the association. Signature right provides the right to apply for a loan and to buy or sell property on behalf of the association.
If nothing else has been decided in the articles of association, the association’s board has signature jointly. The board can assign the signature right to specific board members or others with roles in the association. If several persons have the right to sign, you have to specify whether the right applies separately or jointly.
Power of procuration is an authority to act and sign on behalf of the association in most activity connected to the daily operations. Power of procuration will not give the right to mortgage or sell the real estate of the association. A person who has been allocated the power of procuration is called a business agent.
An association can choose to give power of procuration to one or several persons. If there are several persons, you can choose to give them this authority separately or jointly.
A person with the power of procuration cannot transfer this right to anyone else.
Power of procuration can be registered only for associations with business activity.