Can everyone get an organisation number?
Sist oppdatert: 19 March 2024.
All clubs and associations that are registered with us, will receive an organisation number. There is a duty to register in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities for everyone who has employees, everyone who pays VAT and everyone who is registered in the Register of Business Enterprises, the Register of Non-Profit Organisations or the Register of Foundations.
Many associations are not obliged to be registered
However, they can voluntarily choose to register in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities. Many organisations choose to do so because banks often require an organisation number to create a bank account.
When you are going to register a club or an association, you must submit the form Coordinated register notification in Altinn.
If you have created a parents’ committee and wish to register this to get an organisation number, you must establish an association.
You will find details of how to register FAU as an association here.
If you own or dispose this kind of bus of vehicle, you can register the organisation as a joint ownership.
Before the vehicle can be registered, the persons owning or having the vehicle at their disposal have to agree on how to organise this activity.
Which type of organisation should you choose?
Most buses and cars used for this purpose are owned or rented by several persons. If you and others have bought a bus or a car together, you have what is called a joint ownership according to the law of property. The requirements of a joint ownership according to the law of property are that there has to be two or more owners, and that the ownership can be arranged in percentage or fraction. If you have joined to rent the car or bus, this can also be registered as a joint ownership, because all of you use the vehicle.
What does it imply to be a co-owner?
To be a part of a common ownership involves certain obligations. The joint ownership is not responsible for its expenses, but the persons using or owning the vehicle are personally liable for all expenses. Usually, the persons split the expenses, based on how much each of you own or use. If you have an income connected to the bus, for instance when selling it, this amount can be paid out to you as co-owners.
How to register a common ownership
You may register the organisation by filling in and submitting the form Coordinated register notification in Altinn. You must then attach documentation showing that you are a joint ownership. This can be an agreement between the co-owners describing what you use or own jointly, the name of the co-owners, the fraction for the co-ownership and the issue of liability. If you have a board, the agreement must also show which regulations apply for the election of the board and which authority the board should have. All owners, or those using the bus or car must sign the agreement.
If you choose the type of organisation called association, it will not be the bus or car itself which will be registered, but the actual running of it. This type of organisation is rarely suitable for registering this kind of bus or car. For that reason, we recommend joint ownership.
Are you going to register activities that you have created jointly with someone else to attend to private interests? Examples of such interests may be operation and maintenance of water road, garage, sewage, boat, wharf and landowner teams.
In order to be registered, it is a requirement that your club is defined as a type of organisation, and that the rules applying are met.