About the Register of Marriage Settlements
Last updated: 30 July 2024.
The register contains agreements between spouses regulating their assets/property in a different way than what automatically follows from marriage legislation.
If, for example, spouses wish to register separation of property, they must establish a marriage settlement. If the marriage settlement is to confer protection against any creditors, it must be registered in the Register of Marriage Settlements. The same provisions apply to registered partners. The information in this register is publicly available.
The Register of Marriage Settlements contains registered marriage settlements from 1928 up to the present.
If you would like information about marriage settlements that are registered before 1981, you need to state the name and address for one of the partners.
If it is registered after 1981 you have to state the national identity number.
If you have a marriage settlement officially registered after 1981, you can find information about it in our service. You can order a copy by contacting The Brønnøysund Register Centre. Please look at Information about our products if you need more information.